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Image by Simone Pellegrini

Do Less, Better

It's time to focus


New day brings out a new man


As an avid self-improvement seeker, I used to tell my friends that I am a "new man" every morning. This was usually followed by a night of drinking copious amount of alcoholic beverages, so everyone laughed it off. I repeatedly reminded myself NOT to drink too much, NOT to eat too much, or NOT to play video games too much (or insert any other unhealthy habits you want to get rid of so badly).


It was not until I hit *my* rock-bottom that I started to take things more seriously. I started with the basics: exercising more and becoming more mindful of what you do and how you think. I slowly replaced bad habits with good ones. Then I wanted to start to record and share all my progress, journey, and thoughts along the way with you. 


I'm not perfect.

I still struggle to keep bad habits from forming or fall back to my old ones.

We can both figure out how I start to form good and bad habits, and how I attempt to turn bad ones into good ones to feel content more often.



108 Challenge Rule


CAUTION: This challenge is made for *experienced* self-improvement challengers.


Highly recommend to the ones completed 75 Hard Challenge (without a serious mental/physical damage) who are looking to advance forward and turning it into a permanent lifestyle.


You can customize rules to however you want, but include the big themes below. I find them crucially essential to feel satisfied & content in your daily lives.


If I have to pick only one activity to recommend someone who is looking to improve their lifestyle, it will be an exercise


Simply get your heart rate up and move around. Walking outdoor, and lifting heavy weights both count.


Once you nourished your body, it is time to nourish your mind.


Always strive to learn more and watch yourself be more interesting and interested at the same time.


An example would be reading a few pages of non-fiction or attending a lecture on a topic you like to learn more about.


Nourishing your mind and body becomes pointless if you do not make use of it.


Produce something.


It does not have to be perfect. The goal is to consistently utilize what you learn and experience to crystallize your ideas. 


It can be as simple as writing a journal or as complex as sculpting a masterpiece. STAY CONSISTENT regardless of the quality of the end result.


More than half of our human body is consist of water. You should have a vague idea of how much you need to drink per day. Generally it will fall in between 2-4L per day, but everyone is different.


(For example, I find my body requires at least 3L to not feel dehydrated and have clean urine most of the time.)

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